In the movie Pulp Fiction, Harvey Keitel introduces his character by saying, "I'm Winston Wolf. I solve problems." I am the Winston Wolf of writing. Since I wrote my first complaint letter at age 8 regarding a defective Barbie Doll, I have had a passion for persuading people with clear and concise writing—a fringe benefit of having Judge Michael Mehr for a father. When a friend or colleague needs a letter to resolve a conflict, a resume to obtain a new position, an essay to get into college, or an email to handle a delicate situation, they call me. 

I taught composition, professional and creative writing in the Purdue University Department of English for 10 years. I have 10+ years of full-time and freelance experience in communications strategy; print media design; web design and html coding; science, technical, multimedia, scholarly, and journalistic writing; editing; managing social media accounts with data-driven content; event planning; career and college advising; and customer service.

I hold a BA in English from the University of Virginia (2001); an MFA in Fiction Writing from Purdue University (2008); and I will receive my PhD (Doctoral Degree) in American Literature, History of Science, and Disability Studies from Purdue University in February 2024.

My vast writing, teaching, and communications experience has taught me this:  Letters, emails, resumes, articles, and reports are an art form, as important as poetry or fiction. While most people will never have to write a short story as well as Ernest Hemingway, everyone must be able to write an artfully concise email. I am the instructor who teaches you how to be the Ernest Hemingway of emails; I am the freelance writer who can solve your problem with a single letter; I am the employee who can reach your audience with compelling digital content and turn your technical material into clear, visually stunning publications. 

If you have a problem that needs solving, please contact me at or 908-337-1306.